I'm taking a break from food blogging for a while (but hey, this is not totally a food blog anyway) just to share with you some of my son's funny antics. He's a smart kid. I can sense it. And I'm such a proud momma!
It's really fun watching your kid grow and learn new stuff. I mean, sometimes, I find my self surprised to know that he learned another trick or two, mostly from people around him. It is so amusing, believe me. And I should probably take advantage of this stage wherein he's like a sponge who can totally absorb new things. I practically have the ABC song on replay most of the time.
I'm not actually familiar with the Waldorf philosophy, but what I've heard about it is that it is good to encourage children to be creative and engage them in imaginative play. So let me share with you some of the little moments I was able to capture starting when he was 16 months old.
I often catch him silently reading his book! Well, browsing pictures, I may say. But this is a good sign! I grew up not really fond of reading books and I sometimes hated myself for it. Really! It's not too late to push myself to love books but I do wish my son gets to appreciate reading as he grows up.
He does this all the time. He goes to the bedroom, he gets a pillow, he lays it on the floor, and then throw himself on the pillow. He's not sleepy, he just lays there for a few good minutes and then goes back to playing. I think this is his version of a really quick nap time.
He likes wearing shoes. In fact, if he can wear them all at once, then he would! The first time I discovered this I thought I would lose my mind.
He knows how to put his glasses on. In fact, he actually knows where to get it! Don't worry, it's just a frame. But ain't he such a cutey?
His current favorite fruit is grapes. He knows where to find them. He would grab my hand, lead me to the refrigerator and would point to it (meaning: open it mommy!). But there was one time when someone left the door not fully closed and the babysitter suddenly couldn't find him. Turned out he was behind the refrigerator door and silently stuffing his face with lots of grapes! From then on we raised our baby monitoring to a higher level. It was funny but we don't want him to choke! Disclaimer: I was fully watching him while he was snacking on this picture. I always raise him up whenever he puts grapes on his mouth :)
He's right-handed, I think. He doesn't really understand how this work but it's good that he's curious.
Some snapshots of my son being so creative. It's never a dull moment for him. No toys? No problem. He can turn our house upside down just to find something to play with. Whether it's my comb, bottles of lotion, and in these pictures below: a luggage and a basket.
He's curious about the things we use. Just this afternoon, I decided to wear a headband to keep my baby hairs intact while working. I didn't notice him observing me but just as I was starting to get my full attention back to my work, he silently walked beside me, took the headband from my head (I was slumped on the floor) and tried it on to himself. It was cute but I told him that boys don't wear them. The other day I was watching from my iPhone and was using a headset. He saw me and sat beside me. He then took the one from my right ear and placed it in his ear. We should be very careful now because he follows what we do.
Here's the latest one. Boy, he's super hyper! Imagine our surprise when he removed all his toys from the tray just so he could climb up and point to us the tiny cars in the picture. Then he hummed the ABC tune while pointing to random letters. Good thing our babysitter was quick enough to assist him. We really, really need to be extra alert and cautious. Who knows what he'll do next? Note to self: I need to lower those posters so he won't feel the need to climb.
As far as we wanted to keep him safe, we also want to encourage him to explore and have fun while learning things on his own. I personally do not want to impose things on him, like tell him not to do things because it will later be an inconvenience for us (clean up the mess, arrange back the toys, etc.) or we're a bit tired to watch over him so we just tell him to behave and drink his milk. Everyday I remind my self to be extra patient. That no matter how tired I am from work, when he calls my attention, I should always be there to guide him and nurture him. We need to start disciplining him, I know, but we should never forget to love him first :)
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