Hello! Happy New Year! Happy Valentines! Hello! Hello!
"It's been a while" statement is quite underrated so let me start by just saying that I've been very busy lately. Plus the lack of a better laptop is one great factor why I've been sluggish.
Anyway, updates as to why I was so busy:
1. I'm pregnant with my second son. Yes! The household will be full of testosterone so I'm really trying to prepare myself physically, emotionally, financially and SPIRITUALLY. I'm both nervous and excited at the same time. Here he is:
Go on, stare at the glory of his manhood! Haha!
2. I've got deployed to a new client. Farther than the previous one. And also got promoted to being a Test Manager. To God be the Glory! And we all know that with great power comes great responsibilities. That includes longer commute, more walking, more brain cells to burn, more people to manage, and more tasks to consider. I'm not complaining. In fact I like the challenge. I just hate the commute part. Haha!
I'm never too old to fancy the color pink *wink*
3. Personal issues that demanded too much of emotional investments: marriage issues, Dibo's ashtma confinement, and my plantar fasciitis. LOL
That's during my first therapy session at the Philippine Orthopedic Institute. Para lang akong nag paspa!
There are too much stuff to share but I'll save it for another entry. Anyway, it's good to be back. Will mostly draft through my iphone (unless someone's kind enough to sponsor me a macbook pro/air. Lol!)
I know it's kinna late, like a quarter late, but HAPPY 2014 to all!!!
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