Sunday, March 9, 2014

Do You Wanna Watch Bruno Mars Live for Free?

It's simple. Just follow these steps below:

How did I know about it? Well thanks to Max's Restaurant for holding a bloggers night to introduce this once in a lifetime chance to be part of Bruno Mars' The Moonshine Jungle Tour 2014. 

Not only that, Max's also prepared some scrumptious meal while we get entertained with some Bruno Mars fun games and trivia. 

Sizzling Tofu

Pansit Canton


Fried Chicken


Ugh! I forgot to take a photo of our dessert! Well I guess I got too engrossed watching the bloggers who participated in 'Best in Bruno Mars Attire' posed their way for a chance to win an instax camera. 

Not only that, Max's also raffled two, yes, two lower box tickets!!! You have no idea how I kept rubbing my preggy belly while they drew the lucky winner. Unfortunately, it was Joy of Occasions of Joy who got the tickets :( Anyway, I just went ahead and followed the instructions above instead. Who knows, right? So what are you waiting for? We could be one of the daily winners!

Before I end this post, let me thank Max's Restaurant for a very fun and lively evening and for the very generous giveaways :)

+ 2 half spring chicken gift certificate


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